Friday, September 28, 2012

Spilling on... the H.O. Botanical Gardens

Take a minute to absorb...

Nature. So peaceful, so beautiful... But why do we feel so separated from it? In our current day and age of technology, trees go days without hugs. They must be feeling lonely.

On Monday, I took my first trip to the H.O. Botanical Gardens located at the Arboretum. I have to admit, I probably would have never stepped foot inside if I wasn't required too. I'm certain that many students are ignorant of its very existence.

Let me first start off and say that the Botanical Gardens are absolutely gorgeous! The brightly colored flowers, the nicely decorated ponds, and the lushes green gave off a peaceful air that could calm almost any person's mood upon entrance. The place is visually entrancing and is quite hard to look away or not appreciate it. I applaud the the hard work done by the caretakers every day to keep the gardens looking effortlessly beautiful.

My favorite place was the large leafy arch that stood before the sunflower fields with a wooden bench below. This reminded me of an iconic scene from a movie in which one would expect a lover's embrace or just a cute pose. I was tempted to have someone photograph me right there, but I felt too awkward.

I have not been to many places like the Botanical Gardens. From my previous experience, only a few trips to landscaping shops could even slightly resemble the gardens. They lacked the tranquility and appreciation of the gardens as they were constantly packed with obnoxious new home owners.

This is the kind of place I would not take a group of friends. Personally, I think the gardens are meant for self reflection, meaning, it's a journey that I recommended taking alone. Other people will distract you from attaining peace and you will always feel self conscious about how you or another person reacts to the scenery.

Even if you aren't a huge nature freak, I would still recommend going. We could all use a break from the hussle and bussle from everyday life and the urge to take out our smartphones. You don't even need to stay there for hours. Take a good 10 minutes to walk around and absorb everything. In no time it'll turn that frown upside down!


  1. That was my favorite part too! I definitely agree that it's a place for self-reflection. I'll probably go back there and do that since you put that idea in my head.

  2. Abby--

    I like the distinction you make between the gardens here and the ones at landscaping centers. Yes, I think this is a place for meditation and self-reflection, too. In fact, there is a thing in Buddhism called "walking meditation," that often involves a circle like the path at the arboretum. I find it very comforting.

