
or... Favourites (as the British would say) 

Too bad their food is terrible!


The Sound of Music
 I must explain that The Sound of Music is my all time favorite movie. I have never watched a movie as many times as I have watched this one. It never ever ever gets old. You know how much I love it? I own the DVD, yet I watch the yearly ABC Christmas special just to watch it again.
I adore Julie Andrews and believe she is one of the most talented actresses to ever grace the planet. Yet, where was her Oscar? Those old pokeys at the Academy don't know any better.
 However, this movie has a much more personal meaning. I've felt like I've grown up with all the Von Trapp children because I watched this film at every age each of the children were. And you know what? When I turned 16, I imagined myself is Liesl's shoes... 16 going on 17. I've finally outgrown them all.

Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is my favorite animated movie. I have watched the hell out of this. At one time, I had the entire script memorized! True dedication.
I think Pixar is Hollywood's last hope... And that is not an exaggeration.

Toy Story
The Devil Wears Prada
The Dark Knight Trilogy

Mission Impossible
The Big Bang Theory
The Office
Cartoon Network [old]
Doctor Who

Michael Jackson
Arctic Monkeys
Mariah Carey
Harry Connick Jr
Elton John
Stevie Wonder
Liam Payne
Kelly Clarkson
Justin Timberlake

Favorites to be continued...

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