Friday, September 7, 2012

Spilling on... The Blog

As soon as I heard about the blog project, I jumped for joy! I have used blogger in the past, but didn't go anywhere. It is incredibly fun and addicting! For this class, like Sheila, I wanted to create a blog that is easy to navigate and read. I made sure there were short paragraphs with many pictures to stimulate the eyes. I chose the Ethereal template because of it's smooth and relaxing color scheme.

The jellybeans were added as a colorful and engaging background pick that would draw one's eyes to the page. Also, I added two widgets: a picture of Stitch (a stuffed animal I own and took to college) and the funny quotes. Both add a friendly and engaging atmosphere to the blog.

I decided to be a goofball and play off the jelly beans background with SPILL THE BEANS! Funny, right? Notice the beans in the background looking somewhat spilled. There's even a hint in the title caption! However, I am actually spilling the beans... on English.

I decided to make a engaging, fun, and quirky blog that anyone could enjoy reading. I wanted a variety of colors without being to flashy. The jelly beans enhance the beautiful Ethereal template.

For the title, I chose a large in-your-face font that would automatically draw in a reader's eyes. It didn't take long to decide on Impact since I've used it for this very reason multiple times. I put it in all caps to create excitement about what one could possibly read on my blog, that is, what I have to spill the beans on.

I have only set up two pages, "About Me" and "Just One More Thing." I wanted to keep the navigation bar simple so that it would be easy to find certain information. I used the "About Me" to provide easy to follow, honest information about myself. Included are many "favorites" in order to get to know m better.

I wanted colorful visuals to complement the information to provide a more engaging look into what I have to say. Hopefully, you'll feel welcome into that space!

The additional "Just One More Thing" page, a quote taken from the ever loveable, Columbo, will serve as a page for any quick and snarky comments that either you or I will want to make. I will make additional pages in the future for when I have the need.

Comments are welcome!


  1. I was looking at the title of the course blogs and I thought "Spill The Beans" was humorous. Then after clicking on your blog page the background caught my eye right away. I really like how you used jelly beans to go along with the theme of your title to make it more fun and engaging.

  2. I love all the colors on your blog. It jumps right out at you! I also love the random quotes. That along with Stitch is a great addition to your blog. All these qualities have definitely made yours more unique compared to others I've looked at.
