Monday, December 10, 2012

Spilling On... My English 15S Experience

1. Wow, I cannot believe it's over. English 15S turned out to be one of my most favorite classes. I loved that I could write creatively throughout the semester, something that I was not allowed to do since elementary school. Writing has been such an important part of my life. I've kept a diary since 1st or 2nd grade and I've written various short stories and attempted novels. It was so great getting back into a creative space and not just analyze a text for what a teacher demands it to be. Writing makes me feel at home, and I truly felt at home in this class.

Initially, I was hesitant about my first semester at Penn State because I HATE large classes. I don't like feeling like a spec. It's nice when you can actually get to know your professor, and know they have time for each and every person. Over time, I found my niche and really took off in this class. Writing my memoir turned out to be a much more emotional experience than I intended, and maybe that was good - to really lose yourself in class. Truth is, I don't like writing stories about myself especially since middle school and high school weren't so enjoyable for me.

Now that I'm leaning towards Creative Writing and Film majors, I'm glad that I was able to improve my writing and editing in this class. I cannot wait to jump into my Intro to Creative Writing class next semester, and I truly thank Sheila for doing such a great job with this class so that I can go in with confidence.

Outside of class, I was involved with a group called No Refund Theater. I performed in the play, "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry as Beneatha. It was a nearly 3 hour play, but the director and cast were incredibly talented, and it made for an incredible freshman year experience. Rehearsals ran past midnight, and sometimes nearly 2 in the morning. It was sweat, blood, and tears. I don't know how I managed to keep up with sleep and school. Thank God for Winter Break! I'll need the time to cool down.

Hopefully, I can get started on my film aspirations after break! The watch list on eLion is a very cruel thing.

2. BlogComments

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